About Brian

About Brian

Hey, I’m Brian! I’m an MASc student working on the automated detection of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Eventually, I plan on pursuing a PhD focused on medical imaging and the translation of diagnostic Machine Learning into Radiology for improved clinical outcomes.

Previously, I received a Bachelor’s of Engineering (B.Eng) degree in Engineering Physics and am now working on my MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), both from McMaster University. I work under Dr. Michael Noseworthy - the director of the Imaging Research Labratory at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, and a cross-appointed professor in the Department of ECE and School of Biomedical Engineering.

Outside of school, I spend a ton of time climbing rocks, playing in a jazz/funk band, and drinking coffee that is way too expensive. Feel free to contact me at anytime if you’re looking to collaborate, seek advice, or talk!